Friday, August 21, 2009

These are a few pictures of our end of summer exploits. Kohen's two favorite outdoor activities at the moment are "riding cars" and "finding bugs". He excels at both. His indoor activity is sitting on the potty and I included just one picture (hopefully not too inappropriate) because he is just so cute. Evelyn's summer activities are two fold, eat and sleep. She REALLY excels at the first :)


  1. such cute pictures! I love the ones you sent us in the mail. They are displayed proudly on our fridge! My favorite pictures are the ones of Kohen and Braden on the bikes looking back at you, and the two of them playing on the street. Classic! You are a great photographer!!

  2. those are way cute photos of those two. :) i love the picture of Evelyn sleeping - she is soooo sweet! I can't believe how much bigger she is than Mont! Mont will be so big so fast.. i want to hold on to these days forever!

  3. Great pictures. Wish we could meet little Evelyn soon. It is fun to watch the two of them together isn't it? David and Anna will miss each other when school starts I think. Evelyn and Kohen will be great playmates.
