Evelyn is the cutest little roly-poly! She has really been filling out the last couple weeks, and she even slept a whopping 6 hour stretch (once)...I felt like a new woman the next day. Ahh, what a little bit of sleep can do for me!
Preschool camping theme: Pitch the tent in the house!
The kids had so much fun!
Always a bit shocking to look up and see this in your front window!
Our bushes must be seriously delicious because this moose has been visiting us all winter.
Norther Lights above our house
I took this picture in our driveway! and I didn't even have to stay up all night to get it! It was only like 9:30 pm
Mayor's Half Marathon
I ran my first half since Kohen and Evelyn were born. It was fun and I was pleased with my time. :)
Mayor's Half Marathon
Hi Grandma!
Kohen tries on his winter gear
He looks so much like his cousin Tristan in this picture!
These two little sillies just love having fun together!
Evelyn loves her Grandma!
I knew there was trouble because he was quiet for WAY to long
Kohen ransacked my purse and smeared lipstick all over his cheeks. It was only funny because he didn't put it anywhere else. The carpet and couch were spared. Phew!
Grandma and Kohen
Kohen learns to blow bubbles!
Kohen and Evelyn Photo Shoot 2009
Garden Success!!
I thought these garden specimens were just so pretty, I had to take a picture before I cut them up and ate them! Yummy!
Best Buds
Braden's Catch
A dip net catch from Kenai
Kohen gave himself a nice shave with Daddy's electric razer
Memorial Day Weekend Fun
Mr. Ready-for-anything
My Boys
Aren't they just too cute?
Best Friends: Kohen, moose and wolf
Kohen carries them around the house and insists they eat breakfast with him...he sleeps every night with one tucked under each arm. It really is too cute. Too bad in real life either one would either stomp him or shred him to ribbons. :-)
Kohen and Bear had cabin fever and needed a little romp in the snow!
Uh oh! Pink headband and flower bag! And is that a necklace?
Kohen accessorizes with my things. In his defense...the makeup bag is actually a 'pot holder' (Kohen saw me baking earlier).
Oh Evie! Thankyou for the box of fun!
The Christmas gifts were great...but the box of packing popcorn was the best gift ever!
Christmas Eve Sledding at Centenial Park in Anchorage
Kohen and Daddy
Eklutna Lake in September
Kohen in his Christmas sweater
All dressed up to go to Daddy's Christmas work party